Olives, Sitwell's

Yesterday was Dan and my 4-monthiversary (aw). To celebrate, we strolled down Ludlow to Olives-- the first place we ate when I would actually say we were dating, not just naively hanging out like goobers.

I'm a big fan of Olives. We've been there for lunch and for dinner multiple times, and I'd only had great experiences. The atmosphere is unassuming, and the prices are great for a nice lunch or casual date. The service is good, the food is fab, and I always end up with leftovers.

Last night I had the special, which was a slab of prime rib, a twice-baked potato and an overly large salad for $13 (no joke). I also indulged in their "southwest corn chowder"-- the entire meal was delish. Dan had the Italian turnover, which is like a flippin' huge calzone. I think he enjoyed it but frankly I was too busy shoving my face into my prime rib.

No dessert, because afterwards we wanted to swing by Sitwell's for hot chocolate. We took our drinks to go, but I'd like to go back and spend some time there. Sitwell's seems really unique and quirky.

One last piece of cuteness for my fellow Cincinnatians... have you run into the "4-way stop" sign before (picture below)? Hysterical! I'm not sure if there are others, but we discovered this one on a side street in Clifton while walking around after dinner.

Happy 4-monthiversary, Dan!

Olives on Urbanspoon

Olives website: http://www.olivesonludlow.com/

Sitwell's Coffee House on Urbanspoon

Sitwell's website: http://sitwellscoffeehouse.com/


Cinema Obsessed said...

We're in Ottawa, Canada, and our stop signs always say "STOP (all ways)" if applicable. Even roadsigns are courteous in Canada ;) Great site!

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