Cock & Bull English Pub

The bad/good news: one of my coworkers is leaving the agency. (Bad for me. Great news for Chad, and I wish him well in all his future endeavors!)

The good/good news: I got to experience Cock & Bull (Covington/Mainstrasse) for the first time.

The mixed emotion news: we were seated outside when it's overcast, rainy and 60° out. Brr.

I had a cider, fish & chips and a side of their chili. The first two I'd highly recommend-- the fish & chips are what they're known for-- and the chili was good if nothing special. (If you're eating outside in autumn... yeah, go ahead and order the chili.)

I really liked our view as well-- Mainstrasse is such a unique little neighborhood. The fountain (pictured) was right next to our table, and we were tucked back in a quiet, more residential area. Plus the leaves were starting to fall, which will win my heart every single time.

Cock & Bull's website (Covington location):

Cock & Bull English Pub on Urbanspoon


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