Carrotcake's Fancypacks

In my recent quest to support local businesses, I've been trolling Etsy and particularly enjoying their nifty Shop Local function. This was how I stumbled upon Carrotcake's Fancypacks.

Fancypacks are a fashion-forward version of the fanny pack, and as I have a girlfriend frakkin' obsessed with bows, I had to hit Carla up for one of her creations.

Carla was sweet enough to waive the shipping and let me pick the item up, so I got to meet her today after work. Girl is darling. Once again, I'm loving the feeling of shopping locally-- how much cooler to support someone who's in my town, freelancing, and completely awesome.

The product, by the way, is fantastic. It's great quality and my friend is going to love it. (Jess, on the off-chance that you read my blog: SURPRISE.)

(The last picture is from Carrotcake's Etsy site. It shows what the Fancypack looks like in action, if that helps you visualize its awesomeness.)

Carrotcake's Etsy site:

P.S. Carla takes custom orders. And rocks.


mylittlebecky said...

ooo! bows! very cute :)

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