Cincinnati Cyclones open house

This may be my first post about the Cincinnati Cyclones, but it will be far from my last. I fell in love with hockey while attending Miami University, and when I returned to Cincinnati proper I transferred a lot of that Redhawk fever to my now beloved 'Clones.

Not only was the open house my first time to US Bank Arena since the season closed, but it was my first time returning with Dan. We actually met for the first time at a Cyclones game, if you can believe it, and it was raining then too-- so there was a bit of nostalgia to look forward to.

Buuuuut mostly hockey.

It's more fun to post pictures than to talk about what we saw, so I'm going to get out of the way and share a few shots. I'm now officially ready for the season to begin-- who else is getting cyc'd?!


Krystan said...

I didn't know that's where you two met! Awwwwwwww! Hopefully we'll be able to catch a game with you guys soon. Jesse and I love a good hockey game.

Unknown said...

We *met* online (Twitter). We met *in person* at the Cyclones game a few days later. But yes, the very first time I saw that goober was outside US Bank, in the rain, under his umbrella, waiting to see a redhead bopping around.

We should absolutely go to a game together. Pick one.

Krystan said...

A Twitter/Cyclones love story!

I will let you know when we get some cash money and can afford tickets. Hopefully soon.


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