It's not true. I just don't tend to blog about the things I dislike. I don't consider this blog a complete review-- my "re-adventure" is about (re)discovering the beautiful gems in this city. Riverside Korean is definitely one of those gems for me.
It's also one of those places that I will never, ever order anything different. The bi bim bap is my regular-- HOT, in the stone bowl that will burn your hand if you touch it. This is my comfort food on the rare work day that I can make it across the river to Mainstrasse.
It's a small little restaurant, and if you're not the type who's comfortable sitting on the floor, you might want to call ahead to reserve a booth.
I think you liking everything should speak positively to Cincinnati having wonderful things
I said the same thing about the BiBimBap. That was before I tried the Jham Bong. Now I mostly get the stone bowl on frosty days. Love them both. Riverside is one of my top 5 favorite restaurants in Cincy.
What is Jham Bong like? I don't speak Korean cuisine very well.
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