It turns out I love Take the Cake even MORE at night, if that's possible.
@AlexShebar (along with @alisonjo1, though I haven't really met her yet) have set out to watch all the AFI's top 100 movies within a year. They're about 15 into the list already, and Dan and I recently found out that Fargo was coming up, so we put it on our calendar.
We had no idea it'd be such a big event! There were 20-something people in the room, and that was with Bockfest going on concurrently.
This particular event was held at Take the Cake, which-- had you any idea?-- apparently has a full A/V setup. (I talked to @GeekJames and he said this had something to do with being downstairs from an art gallery. So awesome.)
Dan and I bought cupcakes-- hell, EVERYONE bought cupcakes, why on Earth WOULDN'T you-- but the room was far too dark to capture their deliciousness in a photograph. Trust me, though... the pumpkin-y spice cupcake I had was divine. It's hard to match Take the Cake are far as desserts go, and when you pair that with a Coen brothers movie... mm. Mmm mmm mmm.
By the way, I made some comment to @GeekJames about how I hope the bakery made good money that night-- he just shrugged and said that wasn't the point. Sounds like @TaketheCakeCafe is hosting another dozen or so #FilmThis events, because they're an active part of the community and just love good movies. *dreamy sigh*
I'm hoping to tag along to more of the #FilmThis (renamed to #WatchThis for reasons that are probably apparent) events. What an awesome way to see some of the best movies in America?
Thank you for making this available to all of us, Alex & Allison!
FilmThis' website:
Take the Cake's website:
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