Parker Flats

What better way to welcome someone back to Cincinnati than with a grill-out at the Schwartzes'?

I'd never been to Parker Flats before. I FELT like I'd been there because of Schwartz's photos, but being up there is different. A very cool apartment with a deck to die for-- though as I told them the other night, I wouldn't love having a view of my own office. A girl needs her space.

Thank you two for having us over!


5chw4r7z said...

It was totally our pleasure, and a great evening for sitting out, until the sun set, boy it cooled off fast.
My grilling skills are rusty, I promise next time will be better.

Unknown said...

Man, I can't wait until we can have a grill again! I haven't had one for years! Then IT'S ON

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