John A. Roebling Bridge repair

I think the John A. Roebling Bridge is probably one of the most important landmarks in Cincinnati, and there's definitely not another bridge that is more iconic in terms of our local history than this bridge.

I'm lucky enough that my office in Covington actually sits next to this bridge and I get to look out over it on a daily basis. This killer view has gotten a LOT more interesting in the past few weeks as workers have begun preparing the bridge for a much needed cleaning and coat of paint. I took the camera and went wandering around early last week and snapped a few pictures. I plan on taking more pictures as work progresses.

For the full Flickr set click here. As things progress I'll add photos and post some updates here.

The bridge will officially close on April 7th and will not re-open until sometime in November of this year, however they plan on keeping one sidewalk open for pedestrians, which is good because I plan on walking or biking to work once we move to OTR.


For more info about the bridge, it's history and those working to help preserve it check out the Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee website.


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