Time Lapse

A 2 hour time lapse of the life outside our window last night


Brian Griffin said...

I think I saw myself, was this taken on Wednesday night starting at a little before 8 PM?

John F. said...

Hey, that's life outside MY window!

Unknown said...

@Griff: Dan was the one who made this video, but it WAS last night (Wednesday) and I'm pretty sure it was around 8pm! How bizarre!

@John: You have to share. :D

Meredith O'Brien said...

So awesome!

Unknown said...

Dan got an awesome new vid camera. Expect to see a lot more of this kind of stuff. ;)

5chw4r7z said...


Anonymous said...

Is it bad i was totally watching the cleaning crew in the Kroger building turn on and off the lights like watching a game of snake? :P

Unknown said...


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