Library Day: Norwood Branch

Yesterday we looked at Cincinnati Public Library's Madeira branch. Today I'm showing off a few photos from the Norwood branch.

The Norwood branch was actually the branch that sparked the idea for "Library Day." Dan and I drive by this gorgeous branch once in a while and always say that we ought to visit... next time. Finally, when our library-lovin' friends Miranda and Erica visited, we had the excuse we needed to visit this beautiful branch of the library.

While Madeira's branch seemed very family-oriented, we saw a lot more about job searching and resume building in Norwood. This sparked a long conversation with Erica and Miranda about how libraries cater to their unique audiences... apparently there are a lot of ways that branches research their readers and community members so they can tailor their content to them.

Love Hunger Games!

(This is our friend Erica, by the way. Ain't she a beaut?)

Cincinnati Public Library, Norwood branch:


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