Roadtrip - Columbus, Indiana

While there's tons of great stuff to do in Cincinnati on any given weekend, sometimes its nice to get out of town and take a road-trip somewhere new. If you're into architecture at all, Columbus Indiana is a drive worth taking. Its a couple hours from Cincinnati, and while there are a couple cool places to stay there, you can easily make a day trip of it.

Columbus has gotten a lot of press over the years about the A-list architects they attract. I think all cities could learn quite a bit from this town, who has really made some extraordinary efforts to stay relevant, plan in smart and sustainable ways and remain and attractive to businesses and its residents. Through a partnership with the Cummins Engine Company, they have established a program for architectural review and planning that has brought some of the worlds top architects to their small town since the 40's. The town is full of beautiful buildings from names such as Eliel and Eero Saarinen, I.M. Pei and Cesar Pelli and numerous others.

Check out some photos from our visit on Flickr

For more information about a vist, check out their website:


WestEnder said...

I've been meaning to visit there for a long time. I finally decided Veteran's Day would be a good day for it. Unfortunately that didn't work out but I did go the following Saturday.

I did the walking tour and basically went to the same places and took the same pics as you did. I have to laugh at the near coincidence of running into fellow Cincinnatians doing the same thing on the same day (including lunch at Zaharakos)!

Unknown said...

Ha, that is so weird! We should have carpooled!

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