We're still alive, just have been busy with other projects and life. For your viewing enjoyment, some photos I took while biking around last weekend (this weekend's weather hasn't cooperated with cycling) - a mix of the new along with some of the past.
Garage Brewed Motorcycle Show
5 years ago
What's the deal with the piano? I saw one up in Silverton, too! But now it's gone.
Last year ArtsWave had a program called "Play Me I'm Yours" where they took a bunch of donated pianos and gave them a tune up and pain job and placed them all over the area. Anyone could sit down and give them a try. There were a couple at fountain square, one at hyde park square, findlay market and all over other places. We took some photos of them as we found them: http://www.cincinnatireadventure.com/search/label/playmeimyours
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